The Public Transportation Around Paris


Getting around in Paris is so easy thanks to the public transportation system. In fact, many of the foreign countries that I have visited have had highly developed public transportation systems that make it super easy for tourists to travel around.

In Paris though, there are also lots of opportunities for great photos in the stations, on the trains and everywhere. Just look around you and you will always find interesting things to take pictures of, especially when traveling. You will see things often times in a different way. I love being in cities that I don't know the language. It makes it that much more of an adventure and makes you fell like you have to be self-reliant. If you haven't gotten yourself lost in a foreign place on the opposite side of the globe where you don't know anyone and nobody speaks your language, do it!

I hope that you are enjoying this week's posts about Paris and my adventures there. Stay tuned for more photos soon.


Exploring Paris by Night


Visiting the Louvre Museum in Paris