Abandoned Bombers at Edwards Air Force Base in California


This was the second trip that I took to Edwards Air Force Base to check out the abandoned airplanes. You can see more about the site and my first trip by clicking here. It was a long day at work and not arriving until around midnight, I was tired and not very creative. Thus, I just ended up with a few photos.

I did do something a little different this time, I drove out to the bombers (thank goodness I have an offroad vehicle). I decided to take photos with the Jeep and the still intact B-52 as well as some Joshua trees. The long exposure photographs make it look more like a daytime scene, until you notice the stars in the sky. The nearly full moon being high in the sky did not allow for Milky Way shots, or many stars in the sky for that matter. I hope you enjoy the different edits that I have done.


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