
Travel | Adventure | Aviation | Photography

Planespotting at LAX from In-N-Out

The In-N-Out location near LAX is a very popular spot for people to watch the planes arrive and depart LAX, especially from the north complex. That is because the In-N-Out and the park across the street is almost directly under the arrivals runway's, 24R, final approach. The planes come thundering overhead, so close that it feels like you could jump up and touch them.

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All Roads Lead to Rome

Do all roads lead to Rome? Today, the ruins of the great Roman empire are surrounded by a modern capital city. Cobblestone streets that were once traveled by chariots and pedestrians are now bustling with cars and tourists. An impressive sports stadium was long ago pillaged for its beautiful marble and stonework. The crumbling walls of a once great palace are now covered with dirt and grass. The remaining structures are all that give us a look at what was like for these peoples 2,000 years ago.

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PADI Open Water Checkout Scuba Diving Shaw's Cove

Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach is a small, beautiful cove that is popular with scuba dive classes for doing the PADI open water checkout dive. I always joke that the cove was named after me but it has been around longer than I have. However, it is where I did my checkout dives in May 2014, when I got scuba certified. It is also where Amanda had her first experience scuba diving in the open ocean.

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